Lift Every Voice Distinguished Speaker Series is a proposed project that will educate, empower, and enlighten the community around issues of social justice, racial equity, and systemic bias. The E3 Leadership Foundation, Inc. proposes a year-long speaker series titled, “Lift Every Voice” that will look to educate, empower and enlighten our community around issues of social justice, racial equity and systemic bias by inviting regional and national thought leaders to lead a discussion on these topics. In order to reshape the institutions and policies that allow injustice we must act now to educate our community to the history and foundations to which many of these institutions were built. In order to address systemic disparity, promote social justice and hold our leaders accountable we must empower our citizens to remain diligent and vocal. In order to elevate unheard voices and support those seeking to better integrate marginalized groups into our communities we must enlighten the general public to the disparities for some and privilege for others that many have but few acknowledge.
E3 Leadership Foundation would be event planner and logistical lead and the Talented Tenth Community Leadership Development Program would be event night host and manager. We would target 6-7 prominent thought leaders for visits and we have identified several venues geographically dispersed across the city. We would solicit media and community partners to assist in promotion and exposure and we would make tickets available through our sponsors and those identified community partners.